You want to show or hide certain elements on your Breakdance website under certain conditions? Breakdance offers a very powerful tool called Conditions. With Conditions, you have many options to set conditions for the visibility of your elements in your Projects to be determined.
With Breakdance Conditions, you can individually define which conditions must be met for each element to be displayed. This can be, for example, a date, a user role or an individual PHP code.
Create conditions
To create conditions (Conditions), click on the "Settings" -tab of the element, then under "Conditions" > "Only Show Element If" click on the button "Edit Conditions"to create the breakdance conditions.
Breakdance conditions can be combined with logical operators. Several conditions can be combined via AND or OR logics.
Breakdance conditions types
The Breakdance Conditions choices are varied and include Singular, User Status, Roles, Browser, Operating System, Date & Time, Referrer and Session Attributes such as Page, Post ID and Comment Count and provide precise control over the visibility of elements. Below I will explain what each choice means and how it can be applied.
1. Singular
- Page: Show the content only on a specific page.
- Page Parent: Display the element if the current page is a subordinate page of the selected page.
- Post ID: Adjust the visibility based on the unique ID of the displayed post.
- Post Status: Control the display based on the status of the post (e.g. Published, Draft).
- Comments Number: Adjust the visibility based on the number of comments on the post.
- Author: Show content only on the pages of a specific author.
- Featured Image: Display the element based on whether the post has a post image or not.
Example: Here I have a section in which I use the condition to specify that it is only visible if the status of the post is "Published".
2. User
- User Logged In Status: Determine the visibility based on the user's login status.
- User Role: Adjust the visibility based on the assigned user role (e.g. subscriber, editor, author).
- User Registration Date: Adjust the visibility depending on the user's registration date.
Example: Here I have a section which I tell with the condition that it will only be displayed if the user is logged in to my website and is not an administrator. The AND operator is important here, as this means that both of my conditions must be met for it to be applied.
In other words, this element is visible to all logged-in users who are not administrators.
3. Other
- Dynamic Data: Adjust visibility based on dynamic data generated by other plugins or functions. A common application is ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)
- Custom PHP: Use custom PHP conditions or functions for precise visibility control.
- Browser: Customize the visibility based on the user's browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
- Operating System: Adjust the visibility based on the user's operating system (e.g. Windows, macOS, Linux).
Example: Here I have a section in which I use the condition to say that it is only visible if the user is using a Safari or Chrome browser. The OR operator is important here. This means that if only one of the two conditions applies, my rule applies.
In other words, the section is only visible if the user is using one of the two browsers, either Safari or Chrome.
4. Date & Time
- Day of Week (WordPress): Control the display based on the current day of the week according to your website settings.
- Current Time (WordPress): Adjust the visibility according to the current time according to your website settings.
- Current Date (WordPress): Switch the visibility based on the current date according to your website settings.
- Post Date: Adjust the visibility based on the publication date of a post.
- Post Modified Date: Switch the display based on when a post was last edited.
- Current Month (WordPress): Control the display based on the current month according to your website settings.
Example: Here I have a section in which I use the condition to say that it is only visible if the day of the week is Monday.
5. Referrer
- Referrer URL: Customize the display based on the URL the user came from.
- Referrer Type: Control visibility depending on the type of referring source, including search engine, direct link or social media.
Example: Here I have a section in which I use the condition to say that it is only visible if the referrer type is external and the referrer URL contains "linkedin".
In other words, the section is only visible when visitors come to my website externally and from LinkedIn.
6. Sessions
- Sessions Page View Count: Customize the display based on the number of pages a user has viewed during their session.
- Session Count: Toggle visibility based on the number of sessions a user has had on the website.
Example: Here I have a section in which I use the condition to say that it is only visible if the user has viewed more than one page.
For example, this could be a pop-up for a newsletter registration or an offer in a store that only appears when the user navigates to a second page on your website.
In summary, Breakdance offers a variety of conditions that allow you to precisely customize the visibility of elements on your website. From user logins to date and time to referrer sources and session tracking, Breakdance provides the flexibility you need to create a customized user experience.
With these versatile conditions, you can dynamically control the content of your website and ensure that it exactly meets the requirements of your users.